F.L.A.N. Records

F.L.A.N. stands for Freedom, Love, And Nature. F.L.A.N. Records is an independent media project, dedicated to spreading non-violent revolution through music and film. We also do CD/DVD duplication of original material, so visit our website and help support grassroots media and the resistance to corporatism and the New World Order!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Collective Elements & KRS-ONE, 7-28-06, Caspar Inn, Caspar, CA

Check out a sample of the live show



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Da Ali G show comes to Humboldt County, CA

Da Ali G show comes to Humboldt County, CA


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

"Wholeness" by Tym

"Wholeness" by Tym.
This song is over ten years in the making, and new versions will be available from time to time.
