F.L.A.N. Records

F.L.A.N. stands for Freedom, Love, And Nature. F.L.A.N. Records is an independent media project, dedicated to spreading non-violent revolution through music and film. We also do CD/DVD duplication of original material, so visit our website and help support grassroots media and the resistance to corporatism and the New World Order!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Jah Sun - Chatterbox - 11-9-07, @ the Red Fox

"Chatterbox" by Jah Sun and Ishi Dube, performed at the Red Fox, Eureka, CA, November 9th, 2007. There have been a lot of rumors flying around, and this is my musical response:)

Interview with Morning

Interview with tree-sitter named "Morning, " from the Fern Gully tree-village, in the Freshwater Creek watershed, Humboldt County, CA.

Tym and Friends - Walk In Beauty

"Walk in Beauty" by Tym and Friends, from his new CD, "The Forest is Calling." Contact us at www.northcoastearthfirst.org to get your copy of the CD! Portions of the CD were recorded in the tree-tops of the Fern Gully tree-village, in Freshwater, CA.